Danny Boy prefers Arri HMI for its modern optics and high output. Two complete ARRI 1200w HMI Pars live on both the 3 ton and on the Sprinter. Our mighty ARRI 4k lives in the warehouse and requires the 7000i Honda genny.
The remarkable L series fresnels from ARRI are proving to be indispensable. The "C" indicates color adjustmentf from 2800°K to 10,000°K. At 3200°K the L7 draws 200w and is roughly the footcandle of a 1k tungsten. The L10 draws 400w and is roughly the footcandle equivalent of a 2k tungsten. These lights can also replicate any circus color. The L10 lives on the 3-ton along side 3 L7's. 2 L7's live on the Sprinter.
Flapjack bicolor is our choice for battery driven portable LED. Each kit (2 on each truck) comes with batts, spares, charger and AC adapter. Ask Dan about the new Jupiter 18, very impressive.
We currently carry what we consider are the most capable fixtures and accessories from both the Nanlite and Aputure product lines. The warehouse now has a robust buffet of both Forza and LightStorm multi function LED instruments along with a variety of light modifiers Chimera style soft boxes and attachments.
This year we've added this powerful light from the geniuses at NILA. The ARINA draws only 800 watts but delivers a completely flicker free daylight beam with the footcandle roughly that of a 2500w HMI. Like our 4k, the ARINA lives in the warehouse. $220/day.
This formidable LED softlight from ARRI is a 2k zip footcandle equivalent, can reproduce any photographic color temperature or any circus color, and carries a lighting effects menu that's certain to be a game changer. We have 2 Skypanels in the family living in the warehouse. $220/day. includes tethered remote. Add a Chimera kit for $80.
The DMG Lumiere SL1's are roughly the same shape as the old 4' 2 lamp Kino, but lightweight enough to put on the end of a c-stand arm. SL-1 is comparable to ARRI S30 Skypanel. Our new MAXI's compare nicely to the ARRI S120 Skypanel, and 2 MAXI's can hardware together on a shared yoke to make a large single unit comparable to ARRI S360. The DMG Dash kit is a 4 headed Pocket LED bundle with battery onboard. The MIX technology can replicate any color, can create authentic Rosco gel matches from an immense onboard menu, and can even sample the color of the room via the MyMix smartyphone app. We currently have 6 SL1's and 6 MAXI's spread between the trucks and the warehouse. The SL1 rents for $150/day, MAXI gets $200/day, the double MAXI rig "Maxine" is $400/day, and Dash kit is $120/day.
Our 2 MAXI MIX heads arranged in the "Maxine" configuration (roughly 48x30) is an inexpensive alternative to S360 Skypanel
The ingenious design of the MAXI double yoke makes for quick assembly, and all the neighbors agree Maxine is a very bright girl.
We've added this very powerful LED battery driven 4' wand kit to our Quasar Crossfade collection. Each lamp has full RGBW capability, CCT and fun effects menus. New to the warehouse inventory for 2022, this kit is proving to be very useful and popular. $160/day
From the geniuses at Fiilex comes the new Q-10 Color. This powerful full function LED fresnel, at 900w can replace a 5k tungsten at 3200k when no 60 amp or 100 amp Bates power is available. We hope to do a side by side daylight comparison with a 1.8 HMI Par to see how this head measures up.
The Q-10 also has a 3 gun RGB mode and a full effects menu. I'm looking forward to learning the ins and out of the menus putting this fantastic beast to work on our shoots. The Q-10 lives in the warehouse and not aboard a griptruck. $235/day.
Both griptrucks in our modest fleet have a robust buffet of well maintained traditional tungsten fixtures complete with barndoors, scrims sets and spare lamps. A 6 head "Fat Arri Kit" 1k and smaller is complimentary with the Sprinter package.
In the Danny Boy warehouse we keep our largest incandescent instruments. Elvis the Baby Tener is our new monster 10k fresnel and compliments the 2 Baby Seniors already aboard the 3-ton. We also have 3 Ultralight 6k Spacelights that are perfect for large Ultimatte or white limbo studio situations.
We can bring power to your television project. The 7000w Honda Putt Putt has been modified with a 60a Bates connector and can push our Arri 4k with enough power to spare to push an additional 1.2k par. Our little 2k Honda can power all 4 L series Arri LED's on the 3 -ton at once without breaking a sweat. 1 L10 and 3 L7's pull about 10 amps. Amazing.
(Complimentary with Sprinter Rental)
6 12/3 50' Stingers
5 12/3 25' Stingers
4 low amperage stingers
1 canvas bag with small dimmers, taps, zips and 2 1k Variacs (Plus Misc Items)
4 Single phase 50' w/ground- $20/day ea
6 Camlock T's- $5/day ea
2 Camlock Reverse T's- $5/day ea
1 400a Mole Distribution Box single phase- $55/day
1 Camlock Tie In Set Bare Wire- $15/day
1 Camlock Tie In Set Trico- $15/day
1 Lex "Pagoda" 100a Feed Through Lunchbox- $22/day
1 Lex 100a Pigtail 5x Edison Duplex- $22/day
2 60a 3x Edison Duplex Box- $10/day ea
1 40a "Dryer Trick" 2x Edison Duplex- $10/day
20 20a Bates M to Edison F adapters- $2/day ea
3 20a Mates F to Edison M adapters- $2/day ea
3 50' 100a Bates Extensions- $12/day ea
2 50' 60a Bates Extensions- $9/day ea
3 100a to 60a Bates Splitters- $15/day ea
6 20a Edison Extension Cords 25'- $4/day ea
12 20a Edison Extension Cords 50'- $5/day ea
5 Medium duty Video Stingers
2 Magic Gadget 2k dimmers - $30/day ea
1 Small Buffet Of Dimmers and Taps - $10
"However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light." – stanley Kubrick